Hi Jody! resurrection Thursday!
sorry to hear about your injury. it really stinks to be injured. but don’t be too discouraged. It’ll get better. but may take 2–3 months! depending on the severity it can even take up to 6 months to a year to finally feel like you’re back climbing stronger than ever. Grabbing jugs may hurt but as long as you’re wrapping your fingers fully around the jugs you will not be doing any more damage than what was already caused from the initial injury. pain is not always a good indication of damaging a structure. Now if you go back to half crimping and full crimping then that may cause further damage. but if you’re able to make full contact where the A2 pulley part of your finger is touching the holds or rock that you’re grabbing onto, despite the pain, most likely you will not be causing further damage. essentially no gap should be presents from the base of your finger to the hold you’re grabbing onto. Sometimes people are grabbing onto slopers and in reality they’re finding edges on the sloper to crimp onto… no good. you want to avoid half or full crimping to allow healing. after the initial injury, there’s increased swelling, potential damage to your A2 pulley. your body underwent assault. and naturally your brain is trying to protect you so anything is going to hurt like making a closed fist. but making a closed fist won’t cause further damage. hope this makes sense. you will have to slowly reintroduce stress to your finger and allow your brain to adapt to that stress and not freak out as much.